Recherche de codes postaux dans le monde, adresse, ville, pays, codes postaux, etc.
Le code postal est un ensemble court de chiffres ou de lettres inclus dans l'adresse postale, et utilisé par les entreprises postales pour simplifier et accélérer l'acheminement du courrier.
Sa forme varie selon les pays mais il représente le plus souvent une ou plusieurs zones géographiques plus ou moins vastes.
Dans les pays dont le traitement du courrier est mécanisé, le code postal est converti en code-barres et imprimé sur l'enveloppe.
En 2019, parmi les 200 pays disposant d'une administration postale, 60 n'utilisent pas de code postal.
Pays | Codes de pays | ISO | Code Postal | Format | Lat/Long |
Afghanistan | 93 | AFG / AF | Postal code | 0000 | 33°55'49"N/67°40'44"E |
Arménie | 374 | ARM / AM | Փոստային ինդեքս | 0000 | 40°3'58"N/45°6'39"E |
Azerbaïdjan | 994 | AZE / AZ | Poçt indeksi | AZ 0000 | 40°8'50"N/47°34'19"E |
Bangladesh | 880 | BGD / BD | Postal code | 0000 | 23°41'15"N/90°21'3"E |
Bhoutan | 975 | BTN / BT | Postcode | - | 27°30'56"N/90°26'32"E |
Brunei | 673 | BRN / BN | Postal code | AA0000 | 4°31'30"N/114°42'54"E |
Cambodge | 855 | KHM / KH | Postal code | 00000 | 12°32'51"N/104°59'2"E |
Chine | 86 | CHN / CN | 邮政编码 | 000000 | 34°40'5"N/104°9'57"E |
Timor oriental | 670 | TLS / TL | - | - | 8°47'59"S/125°40'38"E |
Hong Kong | 852 | HKG / HK | - | - | 22°21'23"N/114°8'11"E |
Inde | 91 | IND / IN | PIN code | 000000 | 21°7'32"N/82°47'41"E |
Indonésie | 62 | IDN / ID | Kodhe pos | 00000 | 2°31'7"S/118°0'56"E |
Japon | 81 | JPN / JP | 郵便番号 | 000-0000 | 34°53'10"N/134°22'48"E |
Kazakstan | 7 | KAZ / KZ | Пошта индексі | 000000 | 48°11'37"N/66°54'8"E |
Kirghizistan | 996 | KGZ / KG | Postal code | 000000 | 41°12'19"N/74°46'47"E |
Laos | 856 | LAO / LA | Postal code | 00000 | 18°12'18"N/103°53'42"E |
Macau | 853 | MAC / MO | - | - | 22°12'4"N/113°32'51"E |
Malaisie | 60 | MYS / MY | Postal code | 00000 | 4°6'33"N/109°27'20"E |
Maldives | 960 | MDV / MV | Postcode | 00000 | 3°11'58"N/73°9'54"E |
Mongolie | 976 | MNG / MN | Postal code | 00000 | 46°51'39"N/103°50'12"E |
Birmanie | 95 | MMR / MM | Postal code | 00000 | 19°9'50"N/96°40'59"E |
Népal | 977 | NPL / NP | Postal code | 00000 | 28°23'42"N/84°7'40"E |
Corée du Nord | 850 | PRK / KP | - | - | 40°20'22"N/127°29'43"E |
Pakistan | 92 | PAK / PK | Postal code | 00000 | 30°26'30"N/69°21'35"E |
Philippines | 63 | PHL / PH | Postal code | 0000 | 12°52'55"N/121°46'1"E |
Singapour | 65 | SGP / SG | Postal code | 000000 | 1°21'53"N/103°49'21"E |
Corée du Sud | 82 | KOR / KR | 우편번호 | 00000 | 35°54'5"N/127°44'9"E |
Sri Lanka | 94 | LKA / LK | Postal code | 00000 | 7°52'26"N/80°46'1"E |
Taïwan | 886 | TWN / TW | Postal code | 000 00 | 23°35'54"N/120°46'15"E |
Tadjikistan | 992 | TJK / TJ | Postal code | 000000 | 38°51'29"N/71°15'43"E |
Thaïlande | 66 | THA / TH | Postal code | 00000 | 13°2'11"N/101°29'32"E |
Turkménistan | 993 | TKM / TM | Postal code | 000000 | 38°58'6"N/59°33'46"E |
Ouzbékistan | 998 | UZB / UZ | Postcode | 000000 | 41°22'46"N/64°33'52"E |
Vietnam | 84 | VNM / VN | Mã bưu chính | 000000 | 15°58'27"N/105°48'23"E |
Andorre | 376 | AND / AD | Postal code | AD000 | 42°32'32"N/1°35'48"E |
Antarctica | 672 | ATA / AQ | 75°15'27"S/0°0'0"E | ||
Autriche | 43 | AUT / AT | PLZ | 0000 | 47°41'49"N/13°20'47"E |
Belgique | 32 | BEL / BE | Code postal | 0000 | 50°29'58"N/4°28'31"E |
Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien | 246 | IOT / IO | Postcode | BBND 1ZZ | 6°21'11"S/71°52'35"E |
Danemark | 45 | DNK / DK | Postnummer | 0000 | 56°9'19"N/11°37'1"E |
Îles Farne | 298 | FRO / FO | Postnummer | 000 | 61°53'52"N/6°55'43"W |
Finlande | 358 | FIN / FI | Postinumero | 00000 | 64°57'8"N/26°4'8"E |
France | 33 | FRA / FR | Code postal | 00000 | 46°13'55"N/2°12'34"E |
Allemagne | 49 | DEU / DE | PLZ | 00000 | 51°9'56"N/10°27'9"E |
Gibraltar | 350 | GIB / GI | Postcode | GX11 1AA | 36°7'55"N/5°21'8"W |
Grèce | 30 | GRC / GR | ΤΚ | 000 00 | 38°16'31"N/23°48'37"E |
Guernesey | 44-1481 | GGY / GG | Postcode | GY00 0AA | 49°34'10"N/2°24'55"W |
Islande | 354 | ISL / IS | Póstnúmer | 000 | 64°57'50"N/19°1'16"W |
Irlande | 353 | IRL / IE | Eircode | A0A AAAA | 53°25'11"N/8°14'25"W |
Île de Man | 44-1624 | IMN / IM | Postcode | IM00 0AA | 54°14'16"N/4°33'18"W |
Italie | 39 | ITA / IT | CAP | 00000 | 41°52'26"N/12°33'50"E |
Jersey | 44-1534 | JEY / JE | Postcode | JE0 0AA | 49°13'2"N/2°8'27"W |
Kosovo | 383 | XKX / XK | 00000 | 42°33'44"N/20°53'25"E | |
Liechtenstein | 423 | LIE / LI | PLZ | 0000 | 47°9'34"N/9°33'13"E |
Luxembourg | 352 | LUX / LU | Code postal | 0000 | 49°48'56"N/6°7'53"E |
Malte | 356 | MLT / MT | Postal code | AAA 0000 | 35°56'39"N/14°22'47"E |
Monaco | 377 | MCO / MC | Code postal | 08000 | 43°44'18"N/7°25'28"E |
Montserrat | 1-664 | MSR / MS | - | - | 16°44'58"N/62°11'33"W |
Pays-Bas | 31 | NLD / NL | Postcode | 0000 AA | 52°7'58"N/5°17'42"E |
Antilles néerlandaises | 599 | ANT / AN | 15°2'37"N/66°5'6"W | ||
Norvège | 47 | NOR / NO | Postnummer | 0000 | 64°34'58"N/17°51'50"E |
Portugal | 351 | PRT / PT | Código postal | 0000-000 | 39°33'28"N/7°50'41"W |
Saint-Marin | 378 | SMR / SM | CPI | 00000 | 43°56'34"N/12°27'36"E |
Espagne | 34 | ESP / ES | Código postal | 00000 | 39°53'44"N/2°29'12"W |
Svalbard et Jan Mayen | 47 | SJM / SJ | Postnummer | 0000 | 79°59'28"N/25°29'36"E |
Suède | 46 | SWE / SE | Postnummer | 000 00 | 62°11'59"N/17°38'14"E |
Suisse | 41 | CHE / CH | NPA | 0000 | 46°48'55"N/8°13'28"E |
Royaume-Uni | 44 | GBR / GB | Postcode | AA0 0AA | 54°37'59"N/3°25'56"W |
Vatican | 379 | VAT / VA | CAP | 00120 | 41°54'13"N/12°27'7"E |
Åland | 358 | ALA / AX | Postnummer | AX-00000 | None/None |
Anguilla | 1-264 | AIA / AI | Postcode | AI-2640 | 18°13'30"N/63°4'19"W |
Antigua et Barbuda | 1-268 | ATG / AG | - | - | 17°21'47"N/61°47'21"W |
Aruba | 297 | ABW / AW | - | - | 12°31'3"N/69°57'54"W |
Bahamas | 1-242 | BHS / BS | - | - | 24°53'9"N/76°42'35"W |
Bermuda | 1-441 | BMU / BM | Postcode | AA 00 | 32°19'12"N/64°46'26"W |
Îles Vierges britanniques | 1-284 | VGB / VG | Postcode | VG0000 | 18°34'13"N/64°29'27"W |
Canada | 1 | CAN / CA | Postal code | A0A 0A0 | 62°23'35"N/96°49'5"W |
Îles Caïmans | 1-345 | CYM / KY | Postcode | KY0-0000 | 19°30'44"N/80°34'48"W |
Cuba | 53 | CUB / CU | Código postal | 00000 | 21°31'37"N/79°32'40"W |
Dominique | 1-767 | DMA / DM | - | - | 15°25'0"N/61°21'50"W |
Rép. Dominicaine | 1-809, 1-829, 1-849 | DOM / DO | Código postal | 00000 | 18°44'11"N/70°9'42"W |
Groenland | 299 | GRL / GL | Postnummer | 0000 | 71°42'8"N/42°10'37"W |
Grenade | 1-473 | GRD / GD | - | - | 12°9'9"N/61°41'22"W |
Haïti | 509 | HTI / HT | Code postal | 0000 | 19°3'15"N/73°2'45"W |
Jamaïque | 1-876 | JAM / JM | Postal code | JMAAA00 | 18°6'55"N/77°16'24"W |
Mexique | 52 | MEX / MX | Código postal | 00000 | 23°37'29"N/102°34'43"W |
Porto Rico | 1-787, 1-939 | PRI / PR | ZIP code | 00000 | 18°13'23"N/66°35'33"W |
Saint Barthélemy | 590 | BLM / BL | Code postal | 07133 | 17°54'12"N/62°49'53"W |
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis | 1-869 | KNA / KN | Postal code | KN0000 | 17°15'27"N/62°42'23"W |
Sainte-Lucie | 1-758 | LCA / LC | Postcode | - | 13°54'14"N/60°58'27"W |
Saint Martin | 590 | MAF / MF | Code postal | 00000 | 18°5'28"N/63°4'58"W |
Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon | 508 | SPM / PM | Code postal | 00000 | 46°57'58"N/56°20'12"W |
Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines | 1-784 | VCT / VC | Postal code | VC0000 | 12°58'51"N/61°17'14"W |
Saint-Martin (royaume des Pays-Bas) | 1-721 | SXM / SX | - | - | 18°2'27"N/63°4'42"W |
Îles Turques-et-Caïques | 1-649 | TCA / TC | Postcode | TKCA 1ZZ | 21°41'32"N/71°48'13"W |
Îles Vierges des États-Unis | 1-340 | VIR / VI | ZIP code | 00000 | 18°2'40"N/64°49'59"W |
États-Unis | 1 | USA / US | ZIP code | 00000 | 37.09024/-95.71289100000001 |
Samoa américaines | 1-684 | ASM / AS | ZIP code | 06700 | 12°42'57"S/170°15'14"W |
Australie | 61 | AUS / AU | Postcode | 0000 | 26°51'12"S/133°16'30"E |
Île Christmas | 61 | CXR / CX | Postcode | 6708 | 10°29'29"S/105°37'22"E |
Île Cocos | 61 | CCK / CC | Postcode | 6700 | 12°8'26"S/96°52'23"E |
Îles Cook | 682 | COK / CK | - | - | 15°59'1"S/159°12'10"W |
Fidji | 679 | FJI / FJ | - | - | 16°34'40"S/0°38'50"W |
Polynésie française | 689 | PYF / PF | Code postal | 00000 | 17°46'42"S/143°54'12"W |
Guam | 1-671 | GUM / GU | ZIP code | 00000 | 13°26'38"N/144°47'14"E |
Kiribati | 686 | KIR / KI | - | - | 3°21'49"S/9°40'13"E |
Îles Marshall | 692 | MHL / MH | ZIP code | 00000 | 10°6'13"N/168°43'42"E |
États fédérés de Micronésie | 691 | FSM / FM | ZIP code | 00000 | 5°33'27"N/150°11'11"E |
Nauru | 674 | NRU / NR | - | - | 0°31'41"S/166°55'19"E |
Nouvelle-Calédonie | 687 | NCL / NC | Code postal | 00000 | 21°7'26"S/165°50'49"E |
Nouvelle-Zélande | 64 | NZL / NZ | Postal code | 0000 | 40°50'16"S/6°38'33"W |
Niue | 683 | NIU / NU | Postal code | 0074 | 19°3'5"S/169°51'46"W |
Îles Mariannes du Nord | 1-670 | MNP / MP | ZIP code | 00000 | 17°19'54"N/145°28'31"E |
Palaos | 680 | PLW / PW | ZIP code | 06040 | 5°38'11"N/132°55'13"E |
Papouasie-Nv.-Guinée | 675 | PNG / PG | Postal code | 000 | 6°29'17"S/148°24'10"E |
Pitcairn | 64 | PCN / PN | Postcode | PCRN 1ZZ | 24°29'39"S/126°33'34"W |
Sainte-Hélène | 290 | SHN / SH | Postcode | STHL 1ZZ | 11°57'13"S/10°1'47"W |
Samoa | 685 | WSM / WS | Post code | WS0000 | 13°44'11"S/172°6'26"W |
Îles Salomon | 677 | SLB / SB | - | - | 9°13'12"S/161°14'42"E |
Tokelau | 690 | TKL / TK | - | - | 8°58'2"S/171°51'19"W |
Tonga | 676 | TON / TO | - | - | 18°30'32"S/174°47'42"W |
Tuvalu | 688 | TUV / TV | - | - | 8°13'17"S/177°57'50"E |
Vanuatu | 678 | VUT / VU | - | - | 16°39'40"S/168°12'53"E |
Wallis-et-Futuna | 681 | WLF / WF | Code postal | 00000 | 13°45'56"S/177°10'24"W |
Bahreïn | 973 | BHR / BH | Block | [0]000 | 26°2'23"N/50°33'33"E |
Iran | 98 | IRN / IR | Postal code | - | 32°25'14"N/53°40'56"E |
Iraq | 964 | IRQ / IQ | Postal code | 00000 | 33°13'25"N/43°41'9"E |
Israël | 972 | ISR / IL | Postal code | 00000 00 | 31°25'6"N/35°4'24"E |
Jordanie | 962 | JOR / JO | Postal code | 00000 | 31°16'36"N/37°7'50"E |
Koweït | 965 | KWT / KW | Postal code | 00000 | 29°18'36"N/47°29'36"E |
Liban | 961 | LBN / LB | Postal code | 0000 0000 | 33°52'21"N/35°52'36"E |
Oman | 968 | OMN / OM | Postal code | 000 | 21°31'0"N/55°51'33"E |
État de Palestine | 970 | PSE / PS | Postcode | P000 | 31°52'53"N/34°53'42"E |
Qatar | 974 | QAT / QA | - | - | 25°19'7"N/51°11'48"E |
Arabie Saoudite | 966 | SAU / SA | Postal code | 00000 | 23°53'10"N/45°4'52"E |
Syrie | 963 | SYR / SY | - | - | 34°48'53"N/39°3'21"E |
Turquie | 90 | TUR / TR | Posta kodu | 00000 | 38°57'41"N/35°15'6"E |
Émirats Arabes Unis | 971 | ARE / AE | - | - | 24°21'31"N/53°58'57"E |
Yémen | 967 | YEM / YE | - | - | 15°33'19"N/48°31'53"E |
Algérie | 213 | DZA / DZ | Code postal | 00000 | 28°1'36"N/1°39'10"E |
Angola | 244 | AGO / AO | - | - | 11°12'34"S/17°52'50"E |
Bénin | 229 | BEN / BJ | - | - | 9°19'19"N/2°18'47"E |
Botswana | 267 | BWA / BW | - | - | 22°20'38"S/24°40'48"E |
Burkina Faso | 226 | BFA / BF | - | - | 12°14'30"N/1°33'24"W |
Burundi | 257 | BDI / BI | - | - | 3°23'16"S/29°55'13"E |
Cameroun | 237 | CMR / CM | - | - | 7°21'55"N/12°20'36"E |
Cap-Vert | 238 | CPV / CV | Postal code | 0000 | 16°0'9"N/24°0'50"W |
Rép. Centrafricaine | 236 | CAF / CF | - | - | 6°36'50"N/20°56'30"E |
Tchad | 235 | TCD / TD | - | - | 15°26'44"N/18°44'17"E |
Comores | 269 | COM / KM | - | - | 11°52'30"S/43°52'37"E |
Congo-Kinshasa | 243 | COD / CD | - | - | 4°2'5"S/21°45'18"E |
Djibouti | 253 | DJI / DJ | - | - | 11°48'30"N/42°35'42"E |
Égypte | 20 | EGY / EG | - | - | 26°41'46"N/30°47'53"E |
Guinée Équatoriale | 240 | GNQ / GQ | - | - | 1°38'2"N/10°20'28"E |
Érythrée | 291 | ERI / ER | - | - | 15°10'52"N/39°47'12"E |
Éthiopie | 251 | ETH / ET | - | - | 9°8'53"N/40°29'34"E |
Gabon | 241 | GAB / GA | - | - | 0°49'41"S/11°35'55"E |
Gambie | 220 | GMB / GM | - | - | 13°26'43"N/15°18'41"W |
Ghana | 233 | GHA / GH | - | - | 7°57'18"N/1°1'54"W |
Guinéee | 224 | GIN / GN | - | - | 9°56'5"N/11°17'1"W |
Guinée-Bissau | 245 | GNB / GW | - | - | 11°48'9"N/15°10'37"W |
Côte d'Ivoire | 225 | CIV / CI | - | - | 7°32'48"N/5°32'49"W |
Kenya | 254 | KEN / KE | - | - | 0°10'15"N/37°54'14"E |
Lesotho | 266 | LSO / LS | Postal code | 000 | 29°37'13"S/28°14'50"E |
Libéria | 231 | LBR / LR | Postal code | 0000 | 6°27'8"N/9°25'42"W |
Libye | 218 | LBY / LY | Postal code | 00000 | 26°20'18"N/17°16'7"E |
Madagascar | 261 | MDG / MG | Code postal | 000 | 18°46'37"S/46°51'15"E |
Malawi | 265 | MWI / MW | - | - | 13°14'46"S/34°17'43"E |
Mali | 223 | MLI / ML | Code postal | 00000 | 17°34'47"N/3°59'55"W |
Mauritanie | 222 | MRT / MR | - | - | 21°0'24"N/10°56'49"W |
Île Maurice | 230 | MUS / MU | Post code | - | 15°25'20"S/60°0'23"E |
Mayotte | 262 | MYT / YT | Code postal | 00000 | 12°49'28"S/45°9'55"E |
Maroc | 212 | MAR / MA | Code postal | 00000 | 31°47'32"N/7°4'48"W |
Mozambique | 258 | MOZ / MZ | Postal code | 0000 | 18°40'13"S/35°31'48"E |
Namibie | 264 | NAM / NA | - | - | 22°57'56"S/18°29'10"E |
Niger | 227 | NER / NE | Code postal | 0000 | 17°36'39"N/8°4'51"E |
Nigéria | 234 | NGA / NG | Postal code | 000000 | 9°5'4"N/8°40'27"E |
Congo-Brazzaville | 242 | COG / CG | - | - | 0°39'43"S/14°55'38"E |
La Réunion | 262 | REU / RE | Code postal | 00000 | 21°7'33"S/55°31'30"E |
Rwanda | 250 | RWA / RW | - | - | 1°56'49"S/29°52'35"E |
São Tomé & Príncipe | 239 | STP / ST | - | - | 0°51'46"N/6°58'5"E |
Sénégal | 221 | SEN / SN | Code postal | 00000 | 14°29'58"N/14°26'43"W |
Seychelles | 248 | SYC / SC | - | - | 7°1'7"S/51°15'4"E |
Sierra Leone | 232 | SLE / SL | - | - | 8°27'53"N/11°47'45"W |
Somalie | 252 | SOM / SO | - | - | 5°9'7"N/46°11'58"E |
Afrique du Sud | 27 | ZAF / ZA | Postal code | 0000 | 28°28'59"S/24°40'37"E |
Sud Soudan | 211 | SSD / SS | - | - | 7°51'22"N/30°2'25"E |
Soudan | 249 | SDN / SD | - | - | 15°27'30"N/30°13'3"E |
Swaziland | 268 | SWZ / SZ | Postal code | A000 | 26°31'6"S/31°27'56"E |
Tanzanie | 255 | TZA / TZ | Postal codes | 00000 | 6°22'5"S/34°53'6"E |
Togo | 228 | TGO / TG | - | - | 8°37'18"N/0°49'46"E |
Tunisie | 216 | TUN / TN | Code postal | 0000 | 33°53'31"N/9°33'41"E |
Ouganda | 256 | UGA / UG | - | - | 1°21'54"N/32°18'16"E |
Sahara occidental | 212 | ESH / EH | Postal code | 00000 | 24°13'19"N/12°53'12"W |
Zambie | 260 | ZMB / ZM | - | - | 13°9'6"S/27°51'9"E |
Zimbabwe | 263 | ZWE / ZW | - | - | 19°0'47"S/29°8'47"E |
Argentine | 54 | ARG / AR | CPA | A0000 AAA | 38°25'16"S/63°35'14"W |
Barbade | 1-246 | BRB / BB | Postal code | 00000 | 13°11'0"N/59°32'4"W |
Belize | 501 | BLZ / BZ | - | - | 17°11'34"N/88°30'3"W |
Bolivie | 591 | BOL / BO | - | - | 16°17'18"S/63°32'58"W |
Brésil | 55 | BRA / BR | CEP | 00000-000 | 14°14'34"S/53°11'21"W |
Chili | 56 | CHL / CL | Código postal | 000 0000 | 36°42'59"S/73°36'6"W |
Colombie | 57 | COL / CO | Código postal | 000000 | 4°34'38"N/74°17'56"W |
Costa Rica | 506 | CRI / CR | Código postal | 00000 | 9°37'29"N/84°15'11"W |
Curaçao | 599 | CUW / CW | - | - | 12°12'33"N/68°56'43"W |
Équateur | 593 | ECU / EC | Código postal | 000000 | 1°46'47"S/78°7'53"W |
El Salvador | 503 | SLV / SV | Código postal | 00000 | 13°47'48"N/88°54'37"W |
Îles Malouines | 500 | FLK / FK | Postcode | FIQQ 1ZZ | 51°48'2"S/59°31'43"W |
Guatemala | 502 | GTM / GT | Código postal | 00000 | 15°46'34"N/90°13'47"W |
Guyana | 592 | GUY / GY | - | - | 4°51'58"N/58°55'57"W |
Honduras | 504 | HND / HN | - | - | 14°44'46"N/86°15'11"W |
Nicaragua | 505 | NIC / NI | Código postal | 00000 | 12°52'0"N/85°12'51"W |
Panama | 507 | PAN / PA | - | - | 8°25'3"N/80°6'45"W |
Paraguay | 595 | PRY / PY | Código postal | 000000 | 23°27'4"S/58°27'11"W |
Pérou | 51 | PER / PE | Código postal | 00000 | 9°10'52"S/75°0'8"W |
Suriname | 597 | SUR / SR | - | - | 3°55'4"N/56°1'55"W |
Trinité-et-Tobago | 1-868 | TTO / TT | - | 000000 | 10°41'13"N/61°13'15"W |
Uruguay | 598 | URY / UY | Código postal | 00000 | 32°31'53"S/55°45'29"W |
Venezuela | 58 | VEN / VE | Código postal | 0000 | 6°24'50"N/66°34'44"W |
Albanie | 355 | ALB / AL | Kodi Postar | 0000 | 41°9'25"N/20°10'52"E |
Bélarus | 375 | BLR / BY | Паштовы індэкс | 200000 | 53°42'39"N/27°58'25"E |
Bosnie-Herzégovine | 387 | BIH / BA | Poštanski broj | 00000 | 43°53'33"N/17°40'13"E |
Bulgarie | 359 | BGR / BG | Пощенски код | 0000 | 42°43'47"N/25°29'30"E |
Croatie | 385 | HRV / HR | Postal code | 00000 | 44°29'14"N/16°27'37"E |
Chypre | 357 | CYP / CY | Postal code | 0000 | 35°10'2"N/33°26'7"E |
République Tchèque | 420 | CZE / CZ | PSČ | 000 00 | 49°48'3"N/15°28'41"E |
Estonie | 372 | EST / EE | Postiindeks | 00000 | 58°35'46"N/25°1'25"E |
Géorgie | 995 | GEO / GE | - | - | 42°19'11"N/43°22'4"E |
Hongrie | 36 | HUN / HU | Irányítószám | 0000 | 47°9'52"N/19°30'32"E |
Lettonie | 371 | LVA / LV | Pasta indekss | 0000 | 56°52'32"N/24°36'27"E |
Lituanie | 370 | LTU / LT | Pašto kodas | 00000 | 55°10'26"N/23°54'24"E |
Macédoine | 389 | MKD / MK | Postal code | 0000 | 41°36'39"N/21°45'5"E |
Moldavie | 373 | MDA / MD | Coduri poștale | 0000 | 46°58'46"N/28°22'37"E |
Monténégro | 382 | MNE / ME | Postal code | 00000 | 42°42'36"N/19°24'36"E |
Pologne | 48 | POL / PL | Kod pocztowy | 00-000 | 51°55'21"N/19°8'12"E |
Roumanie | 40 | ROU / RO | Cod poștal | 000000 | 45°56'49"N/24°58'49"E |
Russie | 7 | RUS / RU | Почтовый индекс | 000000 | 61°31'23"N/74°54'0"W |
Serbie | 381 | SRB / RS | Poštanski broj | 00000 | 44°12'24"N/20°54'39"E |
Slovaquie | 421 | SVK / SK | PSČ | 000 00 | 48°39'56"N/19°42'32"E |
Slovénie | 386 | SVN / SI | Poštna številka | 0000 | 46°8'57"N/14°59'34"E |
Ukraine | 380 | UKR / UA | Поштовий індекс | 00000 | 48°22'47"N/31°10'5"E |